Permatex Form-A-Gasket No. 1 Sealant is a reddish brown, viscous paste with a characteristic alcoholic odour. It is a fast drying paste that changes to a hard, semi flexible seal through solvent evaporation. It seals flanges, fittings, connections and assembles against leakage. Improves gasket seal in permanent and rigid assemblies.
- Product Line: Permatex USA
- Condition: Brand new.
- Quantity: Form-a-Gasket 80ml tube
- Part #: 80016.
- Application: Slow-drying, non-hardening sealant designed for sealing cut gaskets and stamped parts. Allows for easy disassembly if required. Temperature range -54C to 204C; resists common shop fluids and fuels. Use where sealing is more important than adhesion.
- Application: Valve cover gaskets, Threaded Connections, Oil Pan Gaskets, Cover Plates.
- Application: Extends gasket life, slow drying, flexible setting, excellent for metal to metal assemblies, improves reliability.
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